All-State Choir

The All-State Choir Audition Process is the most rigorous assessment of a singer’s individual skill offered in high school . Students must work at a high level individually, going through four auditions. Each round of auditions has a new set of collegiate-level music to learn with the third and fourth round including a sight reading portion. The first round of auditions is in late September and the final round is in early January. This experience culminates in a performing with the All-State Choir in San Antonio in mid-February with the top 2.9% of musicians in the state.

Preparation for this competition is key. The directors facilitate many opportunities for growth, but success depends on students’ individual ambition. Preparation begins with summer all-state camps. Once the school year begins, Clements Choir offers bi-weekly after school rehearsals and expects mock auditions before the first two rounds. Voice Lessons are not required, but are a huge help in conquering this process.


Who can Audition? Who is required to audition?

Everyone who is enrolled in Clements Choir is eligible and encouraged to audition. Students must remain academically eligible throughout the process per TMEA. Students in Concert Chorale (5th period) are expected to audition and students in Chamber are required to audition. Students must attend a district mock audition to be entered into the process.

I Don’t want to be a music major. Why should I do this?

The All-State Process is very difficult. The music is challenging and assesses on an individual level. Students must develop objectivity, assess and identify areas of weakness and make a plan for growth. Students are put in high pressure audition environments and learn to face and overcome their insecurities. Students learn to apply feedback from multiple sources and also must develop their own sense of self. If students fully commit to this process, their voice will develop more quickly than the average choir student.

If students earn a spot in the All-State Choir, they will attend the TMEA conventions and will attend the TMEA College Night where they have access to college recruitment representatives from all over the country. Many Texas universities offer additional scholarships for All-State musicians to be a part of their music ensembles, even if a student doesn’t major in music. It is a high honor to earn a spot in the All-State choir, as it is a designation only earned by 2.9% of high school musicians in the state.

Why should I audition as a FRESHMAN/Sophomore instead of waiting until I’m an upperclassmen?

It is true that students more typically qualify as juniors and seniors for the All-State Choir, it is not required. In 2024, we had 3 sophomores qualify! All of these students auditioned first as freshmen. Understanding and overcoming the audition process is adjacent but separate skill set to preparing the music. Very skilled musicians have failed because this audition process is specific and different from any other musical assessment. It is vital for students to experience the auditions as soon as possible to build their audition skill set.

How does the actual audition work?

The audition is double blind- the student sings behind a curtain and the judges only know the audition ID number. Students will only sing one minute of each piece and audition cuts are announced at the beginning of the audition. Judges are assessing accuracy, tone, and musical details like consonants, dynamics, phrasing and word stress.

What are each of the Rounds?

District- Late September

  • This round takes the top 36 sopranos and altos and about the top 24 tenors and basses.

Region- Late October

  • The top 15 earn a spot in the region mixed choir and they advance to Pre-Area. The next 21 sopranos and altos earn a spot in the region treble choir. The next 9 tenors and basses earn a spot in the region tenor bass choir.

(Experience) Region Choir- Early November

  • This is for the students who advance to the region audition as well as a trio of tenors and basses who auditioned but were cut. We hire teacher-conductors from around the nation to bring an amazing concert together.

Pre-Area- Late November

  • This audition adds a sight reading component. Each voice part has 15 students who compete for 5 spots. This is the lowest number of students taken at an audition so it is statistically the most difficult.

Area- Early January

  • This audition adds 3 other regions to the competitors. 20 students come together to compete for the top 9 (tenor bass) or top 11 (soprano alto) spots in the all-state choir.

(Experience) All-State Convention- Mid-February

  • Students work with world-famous conductor-teachers to prepare a concert on Saturday of the convection. This always takes place in San Antonio

Check the annual calendar for dates.

WhAt is the time commitment for All-State?

The minimum time commitment: the first two rounds of the auditions happen on Saturdays in September and October. Students are assigned an audition number so the audition is double-blind, so we won’t know what time the student will audition. If there is a school-related conflict on that day, we may request an AM/PM waiver and students will be placed in the first 2o students (7AM-10AM) or the last 20 students (12:30PM arrival time). Auditions usually conclude around 3:30PM. AM/PM requests are not available at the third and fourth rounds. Students are also required to do mock auditions for the first two rounds. These are after school and take about 20 minutes. If a student does not attend their mock audition, they will not be registered for the audition. If a student earns a spot in the region choir, they will miss 1 day of school and have an additional Saturday in November. If a student earns a spot in the All-State choir, they will miss 3 days of school and have an additional Saturday in February.

Time preparing: It is recommended students practice 30 minutes a day. It is highly recommended students attend the bi-weekly after school rehearsals, but not required. Additionally, weekly voice lessons are a huge advantage. Summer All-State camps are very highly recommended. Many students can prepare less than 30 minutes a day and will earn a spot in the region choir. Students who make the All-State choir will often practice more than 30 minutes a day, especially after the second round of auditions.

WhAt is the Financial commitment for All-State?

The financial commitment to audition is a $25 audition fee and the music packet (between $25-$35) which is purchased directly from AMC Music. If students earn a spot in the region choir, there is a $20 region fee from TMEA as well as some lunch costs. Fort Bend ISD fully covers the trip to San Antonio if a student places in the All-State choir- bussing, hotel, and some money for food costs.

What music is being auditioned at what round?

District & Region (which round will be confirmed in Late-July)

  • Unwritten (SATB)

  • Always Keep This Close (SSAA)

  • Caritas Abundat (SSAA)

  • The River (TTBB)

  • Convidando esta la noche (TTBB)

  • Lacrimosa (SATB)

  • Sehnsucht (SATB)

  • Ich stand in dunklen Traumen (SSAA)

  • Kyrie (TTBB)


  • Amen (SATB)

  • The Coolin from Reincarnations (SATB)

  • I’ll Never Study (SSAA)

  • The Wall Breaks Asunder (TTBB)