October Newsletter

Hello Clements Choir Family! 

Welcome to October! Time for soup, pumpkins, and, fingers crossed, some cooler temperatures.

Please join us in congratulating all our All-State district auditionees and the 31 of our Clements Choir students that moved on to the Region round. This is the 2nd most out of any school in the district and goes to show just how hard-working and dedicated our students are.

Please feel free to email us with any questions. clementschoir.org

Jade Blakey | jade.blakey@fortbendisd.com

Justin Shen | justin.shen@fortbendisd.com


Parent Help/Booster Club Needed

Officers and Council:
Check the calendar for the next meetings!

Fall Concert, required for all | Wednesday, Oct 2nd
Concert at 7PM, student call times below @ Clements High School Auditorium:

Uniform will be Choir Polos and Jeans (no holes) with sneakers or other close-toed shoes. Doors will open @ 6:30. If you would like two slices of pizza before the concert, order here by Monday, Sept 30th.  This is a required performance for all choir students and will count for two major grades this grading period.   

Timeliness is important. Students will be penalized for lateness to call time. 

4:00 PM              Cantiamo (7th period)
4:20 PM              Con Brio (2nd period)
4:35 PM        Sonoro (3rd period)
4:50 PM              A Capella (4th period)
5:05 PM              A Capella + Varsity Treble + District Choir Members SA (Ich Stand)
5:20 PM              Varsity TB + Con Brio + Sonoro (Let All Men Sing)
5:40 PM              Varsity TB+ District Choir Members TB (Convidando)
6:00 PM              Alma Mater + Star Spangled Banner (All call!)
6:30 PM              Doors Open
7:00 PM              Concert Start
8:15 PM        Approximate Concert end time


Freshmen Retreat, for prepaid students | Thursday, October 3rd

9:20 AM-6:00PM
We are so excited for our first freshmen trip! Dress code is school dress code with comfortable walking shoes and a reminder that we will be outside for part of the time! See the itinerary below:

9:20 AM              Report to choir room for 3rd period
9:35 AM              Board bus for Undies for Everyone
10:15 AM           Arrive
10:30 AM           Service Project
12:00 PM            Depart for Lost Creek Park Pavillion [3703 Lost Creek Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77479]
12:30 PM            Pizza and water
1:15 PM              Team Building
2:00 PM              Depart the park
2:30 PM              Drop off freshmen football players and cheerleaders
2:45 PM              Arrive at AMC Theatre 24 [3301 Town Centre Blvd South, Sugar Land, TX 77479]. Get tickets and optional concessions
3:00 PM              Start “The Wild Robot”
5:30 PM              Movie ends, use restrooms, load up
6:00 PM              Return to Clements for Parent Pick-Up

End of 1st quarter | Wednesday, October 9th
Students should have all assignments turned in by this date for the 1st quarter of the school year. Eligibility impacts participation in the following events:

  • All-State Region Auditions

  • Coffee House

  • HCU Invitational (partial)

Students can either gain or lose eligibility based on these grades. This will go into effect Wednesday, October 16 at the end of the school day. To gain eligibility or stay eligible, students must be passing every class. Turn in your assignments!

Booster Club Meeting | Tuesday, October 8th
6:30pm @ Clement Choir Room

Open to all parents and guardians- come help us work through our exciting events and give the best we can to our choir program!

Men’s Fest, mandatory for Con Brio, Sonoro, & Concert Chorale TB | Wednesday, October 16th
6:30 PM @ Clements HS
Clements HS, Elkins HS, First Colony, Fort Settlement and Quail Valley throwing a concert to celebrate the joy of singing with our brothers in song. Our tenors and basses will meet up with our Central Zone for a day of food, rehearsal, and bonding. The booster club will provide snacks and dinner will be provided by the district at no cost to our students! All should all wear their choir polo and jeans to school. If a student fails to bring their uniform to school, they cannot attend. If they cannot attend, they will fail the double major grade! Here’s the itinerary for the day:

Before school     Put on your polo and jeans!
1st-5th period       Attend class normally
6th period             Report directly to the choir room. Help prep games and ready the stage
1:30 PM                 Field Day- Lead games for Middle School students
2:30 PM                Snack Time!
3:00 PM                Rehearse with Elkins- “Let all Men Sing” & “Bonse Aba”
4:15 PM                District Auditionees will rehearse “The River”
4:45 PM                Concert Logistics
5:15 PM                Pizza and Water Dinner
6:00 PM                Rehearse “Dad” song “Goodnight Ladies” (see note below)
6:30 PM                Concert Begins. Please join us!
7:15 PM               Concert Finished!

Calling all fathers, uncles, grandpas, teachers, etc: Please join your student for our final number – “Goodnight, Ladies”. Don’t worry if you don’t know it! It’s easy, catchy, and we’ll have a short rehearsal at 6:00 PM that evening right before the concert. AND you’ll have a great seat because you will have arrived early!

All-State Region Choir Auditions, mandatory for all advancing students | Saturday, October 19th  
@ Bush HS

It’s hard to believe that the second round is already here! Wear your choir polo, bring a water bottle, your binder with original copies, $ for concessions or a lunch, board games and/or homework that doesn’t require the internet. We need 2 parent chaperones. if you can join us! All advancing students should follow the itinerary below:

6:30 AM                Park in auditorium lot and enter by the library. Parent drop off at the front of the school.
6:45 AM                Warm-up
7:30 AM                Board bus to Ridge Point High School
8:00 AM               Arrive to Ridge Point High School; Registration opens
9:00 AM               Approximate audition start time
3:00 PM                Approximate end time, bus back to Clements

Coffee House Concessions, required for all| Due Tuesday, October 22nd  

Coffee House is a great performance opportunity for many of our kids AND it’s a fun little fundraiser. For it to be a smashing success, we need each class to donate the following:

  • Period 2 (Con Brio) – Individual packs of Oreos, Chocolate Chip cookies, or Snack Cakes (box of 12 each student; For example, Hostess or Little Debbie brand)

  • Period 3 (Sonoro) – Individual packs of Oreos, Chocolate Chip cookies, or Snack Cakes (box of 12 each student; For example, Hostess or Little Debbie brand)

  • Period 4 (A Cappella) – Chips (variety pack), or Snack Cakes (box of 12 each student; for example Hostess or Little Debbie brand)

  • Period 5 (Concert Chorale) – If your last name starts with A-L: Choice of Starburst or Air Heads (small size pack/25 pieces); If your last name starts with M-Z: Choice of M&Ms or your choice (small size pack/25 pieces) 

    • Varsity Treble Juniors and Seniors- You will be assigned a 12 pk of soda variety to bring

  • Period 7 (Cantiamo) – Halloween candy variety pack (55 piece or smaller bags) 


Coffee House Dress Rehearsal, Required for assigned Coffee House Performers| Tuesday, October 22nd  
3:00-7PM @ Clements HS Commons/Choir Room

Assigned Soloists will come on Tuesday for a specific coaching and small group work, before putting it on the stage. Students should bring their “costume” to the rehearsal.

3:00 PM               Meet in choir room to discuss blocking, mic technique, and stage presence.
4:45 PM              Mr. Shen starts getting instrumentalists working on the sound system
5:00 PM              Dress Rehearsal starts in show order. Students are dismissed after they sing on the stage.
7:00 PM              Conclusion of dress rehearsal.


Coffee House, Required soloists| Wednesday, October 23rd
6:30PM, call time for Wednesday Dress 3:30PM, Call time for All performers 6:00PM, @ Clements HS Commons

We hope to see you at our annual Coffee House performance! Tickets are $5 for general admission, and $2 for elementary & middle school students. Children under 5 are free! With your ticket, you’ll get your choice of three: sweet treats, salty snacks, and/or a drink! We’re excited to show off our amazing soloists and small groups! We also need parent help! Here’s the itinerary for the day:

3:30 PM                  Set-Up Commons and Decorating Tables, Dress Rehearsal begins for selected performers
6:00 PM                  House opens!/Performers check in with directors
6:30 PM                  Coffee House begins!
7:45 PM                  Approximate End Time

 HCU Choral Invitational, Required for Concert Chorale | Tuesday, Oct. 29th
12:30PM-8:30PM, Parking lot, 7502 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77074
Concert Chorale students are performing with HCU’s Choirs and Manvel High School. Please come out and support us for what is sure to be a great night of music!

Before School    Drop off formal uniform IN Garment bag with labels
5th period           Normal choir class
12:00 PM            Board bus
12:30 PM            Eat lunch at the little plaza on I-69 (Chick-Fil-A, Wing Stop, Firehouse Subs, Blaze Pizza, Gyro Republic, Chipotle, Salata, Whataburger)
1:30 PM              Board bus to HCU
1:40 PM              Get dropped off at HCU
2:00 PM              Campus tours, visits (still waiting on info from HCU)
5:00 PM              Dress Rehearsal
7:00 PM              Concert begins (Parking lot, 7502 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77074)
8:15 PM              Approximate concert end time, pack up, board bus (parents are welcome to take their student directly home!)
9:00 PM              Approximate time back at Clements

Halloween Social, optional | Wednesday, October 30th

3-4:15PM @ Clements HS Choir Room

Come hang out right after school for some spooky, fun-filled, activities put on by our Choir Council! There will be a costume contest and board games! A Sign-up will go out for food.

Next Month:

Here are some events to be thinking about for November:
All-State Region Clinic and Concert, required for those that make the Region Choir | Friday-Saturday, November 8-9
All-State Pre-Area Auditions | Thursday, November 21 (This will be an event for those auditions AND we will need parent and student volunteers! Put it in your calendar!
Winter Concert Rehearsal All Call | December 4
Spirit Night at Bahama Bucks | December 4
Winter Concert | December 11


Fee Payment: RevTrak

*RevTrak is usually $1-$2 more expensive to cover the convenience fee
The following can be paid with exact cash OR separate checks for the listed amount made out to “Clements High School.”


Fee Explanation:

$80 “Choir Fee”- Required for every student. This covers sheet music, a professional orchestra for our winter concert, accompanists for concerts, security for concerts, and some printing costs. Due Sept 12th.

$27 “Choir Polo”- Required for all new students. This is the informal uniform for choir. You will only have to buy 1 for the entire high school career. Due Sept 12th.

$25 “All-State Audition Fee”- Required for students who are auditioning for All-State. This is extra music outside of class. Due by August 29th with All-State Contract and a Mock Audition. For more information, read here.

$70 “Chamber Fee”- Only for students who are in 6th period Chamber choir in addition to their $80 fee. This covers Madrigal Fest and additional music cost. 

Uniform Reminders:

1.       Fall concert is choir polo, blue jeans with no holes, and closed-toe shoes.

2.       All gowns and tuxes need to be hemmed (temporary hems! No cutting fabric) by the Winter Concert on Dec. 11

a.       Concert Chorale needs them by Oct. 29 HCU

b.       Region Choir Members will need them Nov 9

3.       Dress wearers, make sure you have: 2” character shoes, Make-up: foundation, blush, red lipstick, brown/black eyeliner and mascara, neutral eyeshadow with no glitter. (Send me an email if there is a family objection) 

4.       Tuxedo wearers, make sure you have: Black dress shirt, black dress socks, black undershirt, black dress shoes. 

All-State Candidates:
Required Mock auditions are Monday and Tuesday of next week.
Take advantage of the 1-on-1 coachings with Mr. Shen and Mrs. Blakey for the next 2 weeks!

See you at the concert!
-Mrs. Blakey & Mr. Shen